IFFAS Constitution and Bylaws

International Federation of Foot & Ankle Societies (IFFAS) CONSTITUTION

1. Names

The name of the organization shall be the "International Federation of Foot and Ankle Societies" hereinafter called the Federation.

2. Origins

The Federation acknowledges its origin in the College International de Medecine et Chirurgie du Pied (CIP) founded in 1958.

3. Language

The language of the Society shall be English.

4. Aims

4.1 The Federation shall be solely an educational and scientific organization.

4.2 The purpose of the Federation is to bring together its member societies and to facilitate the exchange of ideas, information and research in the management of disorders of the foot and ankle by:

4.2.1 the maintenance of a current directory of member societies;

4.2.2 the maintenance of a current calendar of events and meetings relevant to foot and ankle care;

4.2.3 encouraging regional scientific meetings in a manner and to an extent that shall be determined by the Council;

4.2.4 organizing a triennial international scientific meeting;

4.2.5 developing the ways and means required in pursuance of these aims.

5. Members

5.1 Members shall be Regional Organizations representing national foot and ankle societies comprised of graduates of accredited schools of medicine.

6. Structure

6.1 The Federation shall consist of four founding Regional Organizations:

a) the Asian Federation of Foot and Ankle Surgeons

b) the European Foot and Ankle Society

c) the Latin American Federation

d) the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society

6.2 The Executive Body (Council) may assign a national society to an appropriate regional organization with their agreement.

7. Council

The Executive Body of the Federation shall be known as the Council.

7.1 The Council shall consist of three representatives appointed by each Regional Organization, one of whom shall be the president of that organization.

7.2 Regional Organizations may substitute their Council members during their term of office (if they are not current Council officers).

7.3 Individuals may serve as Council members for a maximum of one term of three years, unless they are office bearers.

7.4 Deputies may represent council members at Council. The Regional Organization President must authorize deputies.

7.5 A member of Council shall cease to hold office if:

7.5.1 He/She ceases to be a member of his/her National Society.

7.5.2 By notice in writing to Council, he/she tenders his/her resignation.

7.5.3 He/She is unable to fulfill his/her elected duties for whatever reason.

8. Officers

8.1 The Council shall elect from its body at the triennial scientific meeting a president, vice president, secretary and treasury with each regional organization represented.

8.2 Officers shall be elected by a simple majority vote.

8.3 Individuals may serve as president, secretary or treasurer for only one term of three years.

8.4 The vice president (president-elect) shall serve no more than two terms (six years).

8.5 Council member deputies are ineligible for election as officers.

9. Proceedings of Council

9.1 A quorum shall consist of two office-bearers of which one shall be either the president, the vice-president, or their nominee and five members representing three of four constituent organizations.

9.2 Council shall cause proper minutes to be kept of all proceedings of meetings of Council and its committees. All minutes shall be signed by the Chairman as being a true record of that meeting.

9.3 Official business may be conducted by any secure means of communication.

9.4 The Council shall meet at least annually in person or by any other appropriate means.

9.5 The Council may appoint advisors for ad hoc purposes who shall report to Council.

10. Triennial Scientific Meetings

10.1 A triennial scientific congress shall be held in each constituent region in rotation at a date and time to be determined by Council in consultation with that constituent organization.

10.2 A program committee shall be appointed by Council for the purpose of determining the scientific content of the congress.

11. Permanent Secretariat

11.1 Council shall be empowered to enter into a legal agreement with a professional organization to provide secretarial and other support in communications, advertising, collection of subscriptions and such assistance with the organization of the triennial scientific congress as shall be agreed.

11.2 The Federation shall be responsible for all fees and reasonable charges of the said professional organization according to the terms of agreed contract.

12. Subscriptions

12.1 Subscriptions shall be determined as needed by Council.

13. Finance

13.1 The fiscal year shall be January 1 to December 31.

13.2 The financial matters of the Federation shall be the responsibility of the Finance Committee, which shall comprise three members appointed by the Council with the Treasurer as Chairman.

13.3 In the event of financial requirements, Council may institute a levy on Regional Organizations.

14. Place of Business

14.1 The place of business for the Federation shall be that of the appointed Permanent Secretariat.

14.2 The Federation shall be subject to the laws of the country in which that place of business is established.

15. All decisions of Council will be by simple majority. The President shall have a casting vote.

16. Alteration to the Constitution

16.1 Alterations to the constitution must be submitted in writing to the secretary four months prior to the next Council meeting.

16.2 Alterations to the constitution shall be approved by three-fourths of the Council members present. A quorum of two thirds of the Council members must be present.

17. Dissolution of the Federation

17.1 The Federation may only be dissolved by the decision of Council.

17.2 Dissolution shall only be agreed on a vote in favor of at least two thirds of the Council with a quorum of three quarters acting together for this purpose.

17.3 In the event of dissolution, the assets of the Federation remaining following the service of all outstanding debts shall be divided equally among the constituent organizations.